Thorncroft Pomeranian Breeder In South Africa

Thorncroft Pomeranian Breeder In South Africa


Buyers Be Aware of Scams when deciding on buying a Pomeranian Puppy

3 Feb 2025

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No content on this website is to be copied.

All Photos are the sole property of the owner of this website, who also is the breeder and photographer.

I give NO consent for my photos to be used.

2 Feb 2025

Please be aware of these websites:

These people are using my photos without my permission!

These photos are my property.

Don't fall victim to these practices.

7 Jan 2019

Avoid being scammed 

Please be aware of these puppy scams going around with photos that are stolen from personal facebook pages and websites. I report them as I am made aware. And I also regularly check myself to see. And report it immediately and give the particulars to the investigative unit in fraudulant internet activity. And naturally my attorney.

I will under NO cirumstance NEVER have a second or third party that sells my dogs!!!! I want to meet the prospective new owners myself, and I have contracts that I ask to be completed by new owners aswell as spay/neuter contracts. To view my dogs, you will always come to the same address - because this is where I live aswell as my Pomeranians and Saint Bernards. There will NEVER be another address to view them. I want the new owners to meet me and my dogs and to see how they interact with each other. So to this regard, if you see a photo with Thorncroft watermark, and it is another person or email address it is not me, and please inform me about it.

Always contact me directly via cellphone or email.

And then the other all so regular scam is the one with the Photoshopped Poms with the little bodies, large eyes, little nose and mouth. They usually make a L - shape with their hands to "show or indicate" or shall I say "fool" people into thinking this puppy actually exists. They steal photos of breeders or people who post photos of their pets; they then photoshop the photo (enlarge the eyes, crop and cut and what ever else), till they have this little animated creature. Many people have fallen victim to this, pay the money and never receive the puppy (at the airport or destination that was agreed upon to meet [usually a shopping mall or so], they even have a claim to refund part of the airfare or crate that the puppy travels in?!). And they usually advertise them @R2000, R2500 or R2800. That already should tell you there is something wrong.

They use terms like "teacup puppies or micro teacup", please there is NO such dog.

Yes, some times there are puppies in a litter that are smaller then the siblings, and develop/grow at a slower rate. But they WILL GROW,and can not stay that small - that is just impossible!! There are dwarf puppies that can exist in any breed.. But they have the same higher forehead, ect just like dwarfism in humans. All these new weird terms are thought out by people that try to sell unsuspecting people into buying a puppy. A ethical breeder will never use these terms, because once someone enquires about these teacups, we explain exactly what is the truth. One can think for one self when a human baby is a premature baby, how can it be possible that, that baby will stay so small for the rest of his or her life? And who would really want that kind of life for any living being? Never to have a full life, not to be able to play and enjoy life to the fullest?

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