Thorncroft Pomeranian Breeder In South Africa

Thorncroft Pomeranian Breeder In South Africa


PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE PUPS THAT WERE BRED OVER TIME! Thorncroft Bred Pomeranian Puppies, that we have bred over the years.

A three month old white Pomeranian female.

Thorncroft Lika

Thorncroft Heidi

Thorncroft Heidi

Thorncroft Heidi is cream sable female puppy at 8 weeks of age. Note her gorgeous coat and proportions.

Thorncroft Heidi

Thorncroft Heidi

Thorncroft Heidi photos taken as she developed

Thorncroft Cream Colour Puppy

Thorncroft Cream Colour Puppy

This is a gorgeous Thorncroft bred Cream Colour Male puppy.

Litter brother and sister. 

Thorncroft litter mates. Note the gorgeous expressions on their faces. The Black and Tan puppy's markings are to be admired, it defines the faces beautifully.

Looking at these two Black And Tan puppies, it is absolutely magnificently highlighted - the tan markings in the coat.

Thorncroft bred Pomeranians

Thorncroft bred Pomeranians


Please take note 📢 All of the Pomeranians, adults aswell as puppies on this website are not available. They are already with their new families or our own. We do not advertise pups available on this website. If you are interested in our Poms we can be contacted via email, WhatsApp or phone us.                                                          🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴

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